Seven Key Issues to Watch for in 2022

A global pandemic, simmering political tensions and economic uncertainty are laying the groundwork for a very volatile 2022. While there are endless conflicts, and uncertainties throughout the globe, the following seven issues will define the new year the most:

  1. COVID, Variants & Vaccines:  Will COVID start disappearing from our lives, or will we have to coexist with this viral infection and its variants for the foreseeable future? How will vaccine resistance, efficacy and durability change the pandemic in 2022?
  2. China/Taiwan Conflict: Will the world’s most populated country and second largest global economy invade Taiwan? If so, how will the U.S., Japan and South Korea respond?
  3. Russia/Ukraine Conflict:  Will Putin invade Ukraine and try to reclaim large swaths of the former USSR?
  4. US & Allies vs. Iran:  Can an agreement be reached with Iran on a nuclear deal?  If so, will such an agreement alleviate the fears of Israel and Saudi Arabia? If an agreement is not reached, will another war breakout in the middle east?
  5. US Midterm Elections:  If the Republicans recapture a congressional majority in 2022, will they abort the investigation into the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot?  Will a Republican majority try to get Donald Trump back in office?
  6. Interest Rates & Inflation:  Will inflation persist in 2022?  Will the Federal Reserve raise interest rates to counter said inflation?  If so, by how much and what will the impact be on the general economy?
  7. Build Back Better Bill:  Will the Biden administration be able to broker a deal between progressives and conservatives within the Democratic party regarding the “human infrastructure” bill?  If so, how will this impact the economy?  If not, will failure to do so ensure a Democratic defeat in the 2022 midterm elections?