The U.S. drone strike against Iranian general Qassem El-Soleimani  was a very successful military operation that took out a formidable foe of the United States. Solimani has long been responsible for military operations against American forces in the region as well as spearheading violence against U.S. allies, including Israel and Saudi Arabia. The late Iranian general was also instrumental in the creation of terror organizations, including Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthi rebels in Yemen and the Popular Mobilization Forces in Iraq. These proxy forces have played a destabilizing role in one of the most volatile regions in the world.

As such, the precision strike has been hailed by its supporters as an important and long overdue operation against a formidable enemy, whose death will result in a safer geo-political environment for U.S. interests in the middle east.

In addition to the possible geopolitical ramifications of Soleimani’s assassination, the military operation has also revived a sense of national pride in the military might of the United States. Proponents of the military strike against Soleimani now boast that neither Iran nor its allies will ever attack the U.S. or its friends again with the same level of impunity as in the past. Iran will now think twice before trying to undermine the U.S. or its allies in the region claim supporters.

However, in the few weeks after the military strike against the Iranian general, there have been significant developments that call into question the results that supporters of the assassination have cited.

1. Greater Involvement in the Middle East:  One of the stated objectives of President Trump has been to stop burdening U.S. troops and American taxpayers with the costs of policing the world and getting involved in historical conflicts that are far from the shores and borders of the American homeland. However, as a result of the assassination of Solimani, President Trump has been compelled to deploy a greater number of American troops to the region to guard against the possibility of Iranian efforts to avenge the assassination of their military leader. Therefore, the military strike against the Iranian military figure has paradoxically resulted in a greater involvement in the region, not less. In essence, there is a growing possibility that the U.S. may gradually be dragged into another military conflict in the middle east.

2. Conflict with Iraq:  The United States has sacrificed thousands of troops and hundreds of billions of American taxpayer dollars  in Iraq after the toppling of former dictator Saddam Hussein. The idea behind the overthrow of Saddam was to create a pro-american liberal democracy in a region known for dictatorship, political oppression and economic misery.  However, immediately after the assassination of Solimani, the Iraqi parliament voted to expel all foreign troops from the country. The shocking vote from a presumed ally was met by a confused response from the Pentagon. Initially, the Pentagon sent signals that it would be adhering to Iraqi demands for a withdrawal of American troops from their country. However, U.S. official quickly back-tracked their statement and said American troops will remain in the country. This divergence between the Iraqi desire for American troops to leave and an American insistence on staying has created a real possibility that American troops will be viewed as occupying forces and give rise to a possible violent resistance against U.S. forces Iraq. Basically, Americans maybe viewed as occupiers instead of liberators and Iraq may become an enemy instead of an ally of the United States.
3. Uranium Enrichment:  In retaliation for the strike against its
senior military leader, Iran has said it will no longer abide by restrictions on its enrichment of uranium which were spelled out in the 2015 Nuclear Deal.  Uranium enrichment is a prerequisite for developing a nuclear weapons programme and most experts agreed that restrictions on uranium enrichment, which Iran had been abiding by, are the most effective way to prevent the Persian nation from creating a nuclear bomb. Therefore, instead of making the U.S. and its allies safer against a nuclear Iran, the assassination of Solimani has increased the risk of the Persian nation creating a nuclear bomb(s).
The above developments are a significant cause for concern to the
national security of the United States and call into question the wisdom of assassinating Qassem Soleimani. The initial celebratory mood of republicans and President Trump after the successful military strike appears reminiscent of President George HW Bush’s premature declaration of “mission accomplished” after the invasion of Iraq.
While the killing of Soleimani may have been justified on moral
grounds, it may not have been the strategic win that its supporters claimed it was. To paraphrase former Georgia Senator Sam Nunn, just because something is justified doesn’t mean its prudent.